Thursday, 27 January 2011

The attraction of power

What makes people hunger for power? I offer this interview with an anonymous ex-politician as a possible insight.  Since the interviewee is hiding under a cloak of anonymity, I leave it up to you to evaluate the reliability of his comments.

JG: So why was it that you wanted to rule the world then Mr ------.
X: Well, I'm a man of conviction.  And when you're right all the time, you have something to offer. You see, in a sense it's your duty to lead.  Make no mistake, if you leave others in charge, they will take you down the wrong path.  So for those of us who can see where others are blind, our leadership is decisive in making the world a better place- as mine indeed was.
JG: You say that you are a man of conviction.  What exactly is that you are convinced about?
X: Well, you see, I am in touch with God.  Not many politicians are. And this of us in touch with God have the advantage of special insight. Take my friend, Dubya, for example. He was in touch with him too.  So no surprise  we were singing from the same hymn sheet.
JG: But I seem to recall that pretty well no one else in the world agreed with you...
X: We were right, we were right then and we are right now. The others were wrong.
JG: So how did you persuade them.
X: When you're at the top, you do what you have to do.  Good reasoned arguments, presenting facts in the right light ...
JG: You mean lying.....
X: No....well, not much.
JG: What would you say the role of colleagues was?
X: To make observations, suggestions, then to do as they're bloody told.
JG: Wouldn't you say the exercise of power was a pretty tough battle, on the whole?
X: Exactly!  The fight for right it is not easy.
JG: Why did you do it?
X: Well, if you're called, it's your duty.  And it sets you up for the lucrative lecture circuit later.

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